What a bunch of weaklings!!!!!!!!
raybone on 8/5/1997 9:17:15 PM
What a bunch of weaklings smokers are.....It's funny...We feel so weak when we're battling Nic...Yet, in doing battle...we gain tremendous strength....The real weakness is in not trying!!! The real weakness is giving in to this addiction and not trying to escape it's evil clutches....the real weakness is to resign yourself to a lifetime of bad, and eventually horrible circumstances...not only for you, but for those who love you.......That feeling of " I can't do it", so why try?...thats weakness....

To keep striving for a life free of this addiction...that's strength!!! Even if we fail...we gain strength!!!! By coming here and soaking in the knowledge of this place....we gain strength!!!!

I've been down the failure road before...many times as a matter of fact...and I've never felt stronger than I do now...because I have finally found what will work for me!!! My search was not an easy one...but now I am armed with the knowledge and the frame of mind I need to succeed!!!! And I love it!!!!

To keep trying and not succeeding....that's not failure!!!! To never have tried....That's the ultimate failure!!!!

Keep up the fight!!!! This is the Quitnet!!! THE source of strength!!!! And it's you that makes it so!!!!

Here's to a smokefree tomorrow!!!! And I am HAPPY to be.....smokefree!!!

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