Tips on Quitting
From windsong on 08/16/2002 2:18:24 PM

I've been cleaning out my word documents and ran across this. Can't even remember where I got it but it is EXCELLENT reading, especially for newbies. Couldn't figure out how to put it in our library without posting it out here so here it is. Hope it helps someone like it did me.


1.SET A DATE. Be realistic..think about this life changing decision and prepare yourself. Make the commitment to yourself and hold only yourself accountable for that decision.

2. SET A GAME PLAN. If you need Nicotine Replacement Therapy, set it up and be ready to put it into action when you quit. The more resources you have at your disposal, the easier this will be. Planning is Important. Before quitting, plan how you will go about it for the first few days. Keep your self occupied.

3. Remember that Rome was not built in a day. If you don't succeed the first time out, get up dust yourself off and try again. Look at your previous quits as practice for the life long adventure when you finally DO quit.

4. Don't beat yourself up if you fail. This only adds fuel to the notion that you will always fail and can't do this. You CAN do this...THINK positive.

5. Think about yourself the first few weeks of your quit. Be selfish if you need to be. Think Me, Me, Me and believe it. Give yourself the best gift that you can ever give. You are giving yourself the gift of a better, healthier and longer life.

6. Quit for yourself....again think me, me, me. Your family, kids, colleagues, and loved ones will love that you have quit but do it for yourself first and foremost.

7. Breathe. Breathe Deep and feel the air in your lungs. Learn to care for your quit. Don't let the junkie in you play mind games so that you will want a cigarette.

8. HALT. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. If you want a cigarette, check to see that you have taken care of these issues first.

9. There is so much more to quitting smoking than not smoking. Focus. Confidence. Keep a positive attitude. Does anything else need to be said.

10. Drink plenty of cold water. Ice water from the refrigerator or bottled water, but drink lots of water. Water helps flush the toxins from our system.

11. Change your routine. If you always have coffee and a smoke in the morning, don't drink coffee or try tea. Change your commuter route so that your triggers while driving are no longer present.

12. Always have something to pop in your mouth when craving. Sugarless gum, hard candies, lifesavers, tic tacs and Skittles come to mind and can easier be kept in a pocket. Avoid fattening foods.

13. Don't drink alcohol when quitting or put yourself in a bar type situation where others might be smoking. Remember alcohol weakens your defenses.

14. Think moment by moment. Think that you will stop for the next hour and then after an hour has gone by, tell yourself that you can go another hour. The time will add up quickly and it is easier that trying to quit forever.

15. Don't set yourself up. Stay away from smokey places like bars and lounges. Don't walk through smokers hanging outside. Be aware of your surroundings so that you aren't in compromising positions.

16. Don't fool yourself with what ifs and maybes. Saying there are too many pressures or that I need to finish this pack because I have paid for it or gotta lose some weight first know ...all the excuses to continue to smoke. Don't let you "evil twin" (the junkie in you), talk you out of quitting or maintaining your quit.

17. Plan ahead of time things to keep your mind of off smoking. The theater, movies, playing racket ball, sports, running...whatever will keep you occupied.

18. If you always smoke while on the phone, get yourself a straw to hold and play with, suck on and chew. If in any situation you are accustomed to having a smoke in your hands get yourself something else to fidget with.

19. Remember always that you can never have just one. One turns in to thousands very quickly. Go back to taking your quit an hour at a time. Don't succumb to junkie thinking.

20. Be kind to yourself. Praise yourself. Pat yourself on the back. This is the hardest thing you will ever do. Nicotine is more addictive that heroin and your fight will be worth it. Reward yourself after small miracles take place. A manicure, new haircut, ice cream sundae, what ever it is that isn't a cigarette. You deserve it. Make yourself feel good about the new you.

21. See the difference in yourself from the first day. You smell better, your fingers are stained and your attitude is better. Again reward that behavior.

22. Read, reread and post. Go to a smoking quit site on the net like Quit Net and work your quit. Give back the valuable information and wisdom that you have learned to the new quitsters just beginning.

23. Remember how you felt those first few days or weeks. Memory is powerful. Even though the cravings have diminished, don't forget the withdrawal and agony you felt. Do you really want to experience that again?

24. Care for your Quit. Don't become complacent. Have a follow up program on how you are going to continue your quit.

25. If you ever start doubting your methods or want to smoke. Reread these tips again.
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