From: purplkoala on 11/18/06

What do non smokers do when under stress?
I'll tell you what they DON'T do, and that is SMOKE.


So why do we smokers turn to a cig when we are stressed out? Addiction? Habit? weakness? numerous other reasons?


Are cigs stronger than we are? I should hope not. Are non smokers better than us because they can get through stressful situations with out picking up a cig.??? I think not...


So why do we do it? Maybe if we think about that, one or even more of us may decide that the cig is not going to get the best of us.


I know I won't let it beat me. I've had two important people in my life die,  My mother and Moppet (a q member), I've moved, lost my dr, got him back, only to lose him again, been fighting for disability insurance for 5 years, and numerous stressful things, but I will NOT smoke. How about you?


valerie 2545 days and missing ((((((((((moppet & mom)))))))))

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