Falling off the Wagon
From DDG on 4/9/1998 5:08:51 AM

I had this article bookmarked. I thought it was good.

Dee Dee

Falling Off & Getting Back on the Wagon
This is for the person who has stopped smoking for at least 24 hours, and has smoked at least once since then.
You've had a small setback, but it doesn't mean that you're a smoker again. This is what is called a "slip" not a return to smoking.

Many ex-smokers have had some slips before they quit smoking for good.

Don't get too down on yourself for the slip. The key is to pick up where you left off and get on with not smoking.

Slipping doesn't mean you're the kind of person who can't quit. You CAN quit smoking permanently.

There is no such thing as a person who is NOT able to quit smoking. Becoming a non-smoker is a learning process which takes time and patience. It took time for you to learn how to smoke. It's going to take time to learn how not to smoke.

Here are some important questions for you:

What started you smoking again?
How and why did it happen?
In what situations have you been most tempted to smoke?
When you are in these difficult situations, what have you done to manage the urge besides smoking again?
What other things could you do to deal with these situations?
What benefits will you have by not smoking?
Think about the effort you've already put into quitting tobacco and continue with your smoking cessation program. Tell yourself, "I'm not going to let this effort go to waste. I'm still a non-smoker."
If you need help from a supportive friend or counselor see them as soon as possible to discuss getting back on track.

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